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Meet the author :)
simple lady with extra ordinary God, an instructor by profession and a business woman by my photo to know more about my business

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

(Reposted) Teaching - Before and After: Ministering Outside the Lesson

As leaders of youth, one of the things we work hardest at is preparing and delivering our lessons.  While it’s true that the content of our teaching is pivotal in providing students with information which (hopefully) leads to transformation, there is so much more to ministering to teens than hitting a home-run during your teaching time.  In fact, much more can be accomplished in the unplanned time of your gathering if you are aware of the opportunities and make the most of them.
If your meetings are like most, there is plenty of “down time” as students arrive.  You’re waiting for everyone to get there, people run late, you’re eating donuts or playing a game.  How can you maximize this time?
Similarly, when the lesson is over and it’s time to go, a lot of times you have kids lingering around for some time.  There’s always a kid or two around later than others waiting for their ride.  Perhaps you even are in the habit of giving one or more kids a ride home.  Are you doing ministry or babysitting during this time?
The time before and after the meeting is a great time to minister to students.  Below are just a few practical ways to make the most of every opportunity to influence a student for Christ.
• Build Relationships

• Give Encouragement

• Counsel

• Pray

• Connect Unconnected Kids

• Creatively Support Your Teaching
There are probably other ways to give heightened effectiveness to the moments before and after your meetings begin.  Sit down and brainstorm a few ways in your context that you can stretch your ministry out from lesson time to all the time.  You’ll come up with some great stuff and the results will be amazing!

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